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ISID’s ProMED receives operational support from Wellcome

The International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) is pleased to announce Wellcome’s ongoing operational support of its Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMED) to continue promoting transparent, one-health global emerging infectious disease surveillance. This support includes enhancements to ProMED’s technology platform and, in collaboration with HealthMap, support for automated collection of data to inform predictive modeling of outbreaks.

“The emergence of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, has once again demonstrated the critical role that ProMED plays in outbreak detection and surveillance of emerging and re-emerging infections,” says Marc Mendelson, President of ISID. "We are proud to renew our partnership with Wellcome and work together to further develop the program.”

Wellcome is an independent global charitable foundation and supports researchers worldwide as a leading funder of biomedical science and health research.

This award reflects our shared vision for improved human and animal health through research and technology innovation. ProMED’s free and open global platform supports this vision and has grown over time leading to the identification of research gaps that can be addressed with furthering our established surveillance network, reaching our global users, and extending our existing presence to better serve the global research community.

“Wellcome is delighted and honoured to extend our partnership with the ISID and its Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMED)” says Jeremy Farrar, Director of Wellcome. “ProMED has become an indispensable, world leading inclusive platform for the rapid dissemination of expert reviewed, high quality information and data on emerging health issues.  It is a unique, open, free service that informs, educates and highlights trends from around the world.  It is impossible now to imagine a world without ProMED.  We look forward to extending our partnership and in doing so we hope to help protect humanity from the ever increasing threat of emerging infectious disease.” 

With Wellcome’s support, ProMED will continue to expand its reach by allowing support for bi-yearly ProMED Editorial Meetings that are crucial to the standards and practice of innovative surveillance.  These meetings allow our dedicated subject matter experts from around the globe to gather in person to discuss emerging disease issues and hone ProMED’s reporting and surveillance best practices.  With Wellcome’s assistance, ProMED will continue to be on the forefront of outbreak detection and real-time reporting, while also enhancing surveillance capabilities with infrastructure upgrades to better serve more than 81,000 readers.  ISID is proud to continue working with Wellcome over the next five years to realize common goals in the innovative global emerging diseases space and beyond.

For more information, please contact Dr. Larry Madoff, ProMED’s Editor, at [email protected]

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