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Robert Heyderman Joins ISID’s Executive Committee

Robert Heyderman

The International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) is proud to announce that Professor Robert Heyderman will be joining the ISID’s Executive Committee as of March 10, 2020. Rob Heyderman is a clinician scientist with skills and experience that bridge clinical practice, disease prevention and the fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of infectious disease. 

Rob directed the highly successful Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Programme for over 8 years, transforming the Programme into a centre of excellence led by Malawian & international scientists, pursuing internationally-leading science, research training & improving the health of people in sub-Saharan Africa. 

ISID’s Executive Committee members are responsible for appointing the Executive Director and overseeing all of ISID’s activities. Executive Committee members are elected by Council Members at biennial General Meetings of the Society held in conjunction with the Society’s International Congress on Infectious Diseases.

“The ISID is a fabulous advocate for the international infectious disease community, I am honoured to join the society’s executive committee. ” Rob says of his role on ISID’s Executive Committee.

Rob established a Mucosal Pathogens Research Group at UCL which pursues epidemiological, clinical and basic laboratory research in UK and Africa to address the microbial and immunological basis of severe infection caused by mucosal pathogens and their prevention through vaccination; the regulation of inflammation; and the diagnosis & management of meningitis and sepsis. He has recently launched the NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Mucosal Pathogens (MPRU), which is an interdisciplinary translational programme that brings together internationally recognised UK and African investigators to tackle limitations in the long-term effectiveness of existing vaccines to prevent meningitis, pneumonia and sepsis though new approaches to interrupting mucosal pathogen carriage/transmission. 


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