ISID’s Guide to Infection Control participates in IBM Incubator Program
ISID’s Guide to Infection Control in the Healthcare Setting (Guide) was selected from a very competitive pool to participate in the IBM Patterns Incubator program over the next 7 weeks. The IBM Patterns Incubator program is a fast-paced, 10-week design program that pairs a sponsoring team with IBM interns to research, prototype, and test a design-centered proposal with the goal of creating a tool with real-life applications by the end of the incubation period. A team comprised of five interns have been paired with mentors working at IBM in specified areas of expertise such as design and development. These interns will work on developing a clickable prototype and vision that can be used in pitches to get support from funders for full development.
This project focuses on an AI-powered digital support tool for healthcare workers in resource-limited settings based off the Guide that allows them to tailor their needs for infection prevention and control in individualized settings. This may lead to the development of an intelligent search algorithm that could be used to assist in clinical decision-making.