
ISID Knowledge Exchange Live Webinar: Chikungunya Forecasting, Risk Mapping and Clinical Trials

Our live, open-access ISID Knowledge Exchange webinar, "Chikungunya Forecasting, Risk Mapping and Clinical Trials," is coming up on March 28, 2023, at 9am EST/1pm GMT/3pm CET. Add to your Google Calendar Add to your Apple Calendar Add to your Outlook Calendar Chikungunya is a mosquito transmitted alpha virus. Since its emergence in Africa, the global …

2023 Annual Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Conference

TBD Atlanta, Georgia, United States

The annual EIS conference is the nation’s flagship applied epidemiology conference where EIS officers share their work in leading-edge investigations, scientific findings, and forward-thinking strategies to inform improvements in public health—all while gaining valuable presentation experience. EIS officers engage in professional networking sessions, recognition ceremonies and various learning opportunities. Free and open to the public, …

MatchPoints Conference 2023

Courtyard by Mariott Colombo, Sri Lanka

Aarhus University hosts this year's MatchPoints international conference called 'Global Health: Challenges and Solutions.'

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