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Call for Hot Topics in Infectious Diseases (ID) Abstracts

We welcome you to submit an abstract for a poster or oral presentation on a “Hot Topic” at the ICID 2024. This session is meant to highlight ID research that may have made important findings after the general Abstracts submission, including the Late Breaking Abstracts closed. Consider submitting if your research or new data represents an emerging, hot topic issue, especially in the African region. This category will focus on capturing abstracts with ground-breaking and unique data that have not been presented before in any Congresses. We are especially interested in new clinical trial results relevant to low and middle income countries and outbreaks in these regions.


  • The Emerging ID Hot Topic Abstract deadline is not intended as an extension of the general submission date which has passed.
  • Accepted individual poster presentations or oral presentations will be presented at special sessions at the meeting.
  • ID Hot Topic abstracts will be reviewed/evaluated by the ICID 2024 Committee.
  • ID Hot Topic abstracts should not be abstracts rejected in the recently concluded Abstracts and Late-Breaking Abstracts processes.

Deadline: September 30, 2024

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