The 19th ICID photo contest, "Global Infectious Diseases: Macro to Micro," focuses on the diverse nature of infectious diseases, the innovative practices designed to improve health, and the professionals working to make a difference. We received nearly 300 submissions this year. Since we were unable to vote in-person this year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, ISID members voted for their favorite photo from our five finalists. We hope you will enjoy their beautiful art below. Thank you to all of those who submitted their talented work!
2020 ICID Photo Contest Winner
A Beautiful Vector
By Stephen Doggett Salt Lake City Mosquito Abatement District headquarters
Sabethes cyaneus, which occurs in central and southern America, is the most beautiful mosquito in the world. However, this beauty is responsible for the transmission of sylvatic Yellow fever.
2020 ICID Photo Contest Finalists
Malaria in East Nusa Tenggara
By Pearl Gan Sumba Island, Indonesia
Rani lives with her grandma and family in the border of Timor and Indonesia. Poor living conditions contribute to the cause of endemic malaria, which is more frequently found in the isolated rural areas in Asia Pacific. Long Lasting Insecticide-treated Bed Nets is a cost-efficient barrier against the bites of malaria-carrying mosquitoes.
Releasing a Bat
By Ausraful Islam Naogaon, Bangladesh
Bat was released at the site of capture after sampling
Sleeping Sickness Screening
By DK Lee Democratic Republic of Congo
Dr Victor Kandé, NTD Expert Advisor to the Ministry of Health of Democratic Republic of Congo, examines blood samples of patients at a sleeping sickness mobile screening camp.
Promoting Health, Preventing Diseases and Prolonging Life
By John Kenneth Pagdanganan Karuhatan, Valenzuela City, Philippines
In the re-emergence of Polio cases in the Philippines this year 2019. Public health practitioners together with Department of Health raise the campaign against Polio. A 8 months baby who received Polio vaccine from a public health practitioner towards combating Polio for better life.